Mobility data analyzing web application


After my year of work-study at MobiGIS, I joined the company which was bought at the same time by Alyce: French leader in the mobility data collection.

A new project is launched and I am assigned to it: MyGIS. This long-standing project for Alyce marks the digital shift of their historical activity.

MyGIS offers Alyce's customers the ability to interactively view and analyze their mobility data ordered and collected by Alyce.

During the project I participated in the various technical infrastructure choices. I did the web client and API from scratch, as well as creating a command line tool that allows raw data to be integrated into the database.

The MyGIS application consists of 3 parts :

  • a frontend part with VueJS, the Vuex store, the Vuetify UI library associated with the Leaflet cartographic library
  • a backend part in Java, associated with the Dropwizard framework for the API, Hibernate for access to the database
  • particularity of that type of application: a cartographic server, Geoserver, for displaying 2D layers and spatial data
  • Alyce | 2020


    Javascript ES6VueJSVuexVuetifyLeafletJava 8DropwizardPostgreSQLGeoserver
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